2Grace (1).jpg
 The outlook for canned meat, 16 x 20 inches, acrylic, cotton, filament, polyester, latex, collage, on canvas, 2021

The outlook for canned meat, 16 x 20 inches, acrylic, cotton, filament, polyester, latex, collage, on canvas, 2021

7Socket (1).jpg
4Blue (1).jpg
1Carbs (1).jpg
6PinkThick_n (2).jpg
8Cat (1).jpg
2Grace (1).jpg
 The outlook for canned meat, 16 x 20 inches, acrylic, cotton, filament, polyester, latex, collage, on canvas, 2021
7Socket (1).jpg
4Blue (1).jpg
1Carbs (1).jpg
6PinkThick_n (2).jpg
8Cat (1).jpg

The outlook for canned meat, 16 x 20 inches, acrylic, cotton, filament, polyester, latex, collage, on canvas, 2021

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